Sunday, August 12, 2007

My Final Post for this Session (SII 2007)

This has been a great educational experience in learning about Internet resources to implement in the science classroom. I've learned a huge amount of material and gained knowledge that can be expanded upon in the near future. Keep on posting
and have a successful school year.
Happy teaching!

My Final Post

This summer II session has gone by quickly!
This class has been fun and so educational for me.
What I have learned will be utilized in my professional career and especially in the science classroom.
Have a great school year!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Mental Toughness: Preparation Time

Being prepared...
I am transitioning to life as a resident of York, PA and staff member at my new school. Between moving, getting ideas for lesson plans, taking pictures for the i.d. badge, getting computer security clearance, attending my first official staff meeting and getting acquainted with teachers' names, I have been quite busy. This is a good busy. Oh, I didn't mention working steadily on my two graduate courses. That's been a given every day!
August 20th begins a preparation for our incoming students called Mental Toughness. The pre-phase of this program helps students gear up for coming back to school and making academics a major focus for the school year.
Mental toughness is what we (teacher and students) both need.
The sessions help the potential student prepare for the challenge of finishing the year with success.
For today's youth and young adults, a teacher has to be able
to what I call "reach and teach."
To classmates of ED 517 and ED 620:
Thank you for your compliments, tips, replies and posts to my professional blogspot.
Feel free to contact me at : )
Have a great day and best wishes for next semester!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

First Day on the Job: the preliminaries

Yesterday (August 1, 2007) was my first official day on the job
as a Science Teacher. The support team and volunteers here are nice to work
with and very helpful.
Thanks to all who alerted me about the amount of paperwork
involved with the application process. Even with this information beforehand,
I was still taken aback by the stack of forms from Human Resources. :-o!
The school year starts in about three weeks.
I can see now why the personnel director
wanted me to come a little early. There's more preparation needed in order
to be ready for the first day of classes.
I'm looking forward to serving in this position and will keep you posted
about the beginning of a promising educational adventure.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Welcome to my Blog

Greetings visitor.
You have reached SciencewithAndrea,
a blog designed to share resources, knowledge, information and ideas about science education.
You'll find a variety of topics on this field and subtopics in science such as Biology and Chemistry
that may be of interest of you.
What new things are going on in your world
of science?
I look forward to informing you of my discoveries
with an anticipation of learning more about
your treasure finds too.